Tubifex contain slightly more fat than other live foods and therefore should not be given daily. Feeding is done with mulm and decaying leaves. Tubifex are easy to keep and breed in a filterless aquarium with coarse gravel.

Shrimp also nibble on the worms from time to time, but not as intensively. In addition to fish, young crayfish, dwarf crayfish, and North American crayfish of all ages like to eat Tubifex. They form the typical worm balls that look like little pink balls of mini spaghetti. Tubifex crawl on the ground and swim sinuously. Our Tubifex come from safe, low-pollution sources and can therefore be fed without hesitation. Since Tubifex can survive even in highly polluted waters, it is risky to pond them yourself in the wild. It can happen in exceptional cases that live Tubifex settle in the aquarium and then occur there, for example, as a permanent live food source for armored catfish. The stream tube worm belongs to the fewborsters and eats organic remains. They live in living tubes and only extend their rear end outside to take in oxygen. These worms live year-round in freshwater where they grow between 5-8 inches long. Tubifex contain hemoglobin, which gives them their red color. However, worms usually contain a relatively high amount of fat, so they should not be on the aquarium inhabitants' menu on a daily basis. Even many snails do not say no to a juicy worm. Worms are a very good restorative food for fish and invertebrates such as shrimps, large-armed shrimps, crabs and shrimps. Beitrag teilen: Worms as live food in the aquarium for fish and co